In the process of switching from Devise to directly using Warden.
How can I go about implementing a "forgot password" functionality that comes out of the box with Devise?
Is there a gem that can add this onto Warden?
PS. The reason for not using Devise is because of some customization needed that makes hacking Devise to make it work not worthwhile.
I don't know if there is a gem, but doing it yourself doesn't take to long. Assuming that each account has an email attached to it. Have a forgot password button that links to a page where the user will input there username or whatever information that is unique to the user and once the user submits the form. Send a new password to there email.
Make a form on the forgot password page that takes in a unique piece of information about the user. ex. username. This form will be a post request to a action in your controller that will email a new password to the user who has this username for example.
This is what one of mine looked like:
def emailor
@user = User.find_by username: params[:user][:username]
random_password = { (65 + rand(58)).chr }.join
@user.password = random_password
UserMailer.reset_password_email(, random_password ).deliver
flash[:notice] = "Email has been sent";
redirect_to root_path
Make your mailer. This guide goes over how its done if you don't know. Mailers in Rails