I have a UITabViewController inside a UINavigationController. As you can see on the image bellow the tab icons are set to system default "favorite" and "download" icons and they show properly when where looking in the storyboard.
One of the tabs has a collection view and the other has a web view with a status bar.
The problem is that when I deploy the app (to the simulator or a real device), the first time it opens the tab bar icon from the tab which is unselected doesn't show.
After i close and reopen the app the icon shows fine. The same thing happens if I select the tab.
How can I make the image appear correctly the first open after installation? What am I doing wrong?
I'm using Xcode 6 with iOS 8.2
Thank you
This is due to the selected image of the particular Tab bar item of the view controller just delete that selected image and give them programatically then connect the segue of the tab bar controller to relationship segue then it will work. And then you are supposed to use Tab bar --> Navigation controller --> view controller