I'm building a budget app in Swift.
The NSDecimalNumber is first added to an array after an action (below).
Then the NSDecimalNumber is converted to CurrencyFormat for TableView, and appended to a separate string array.
How can I find the sum of the first NSDecimalNumbers array to create an Available Amount Label?
var adding: [NSDecimalNumber] = [5, 6, 5.55, 6.55, 1]
I tried this to convert the number into NSDecimal(addingAmount), and then append it to the above array (adding):
let addingAmount = NSDecimalNumber(string: textInput.text) / decimal100
println(reduce(adding, 0, +)) // prints 15
Unfortunately, println(adding) works, but nothing is printed for the sum.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
If you just want the total sum of the first array then you can cast it to double and add them together with map
and reduce
var adding: [NSDecimalNumber] = [5, 6, 5.55, 6.55, 1]
let test = adding.map { Double($0) }.reduce(0, combine: +)
println(test) // prints out 24.1