I am currently using FB.API to post player score into Facebook. The docs I am using are here. When I am using it for one score, it works perfectly fine. However, I am starting to face problems when I want to use second, third.., etc. scores for one player (lets say first score tells how many monsters player has killed, while the second score tells how much gold player collected). Any ideas how to do that (if it's possible)?
At the moment, Facebook doesn't allow more than 1 score per app. So I don't think you will be able to achieve what you want.
You might as well consider using a service like Parse (since it also belongs to Facebook if I'm not mistaken), or implement your own leaderboards in your server (there are a few tutorials, and it's not a hard thing to do). The only downside to this, is that you won't get the timeline stories "You have passed a friend on XGame" and the bar charts below.
Hope it helps