I'm using Vagrant to set up a box with python, pip, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper and some requirements. A provisioning shell script adds the required lines for virtualenvwrapper to .bashrc
. It does a very basic check that they're not already there, so that it doesn't duplicate them with every provision:
if ! grep -Fq "WORKON_HOME" /home/vagrant/.bashrc; then
echo 'export WORKON_HOME=/home/vagrant/.virtualenvs' >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
echo 'export PROJECT_HOME=/home/vagrant/Devel' >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
echo 'source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh' >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
source /home/vagrant/.bashrc
That seems to work fine; after provisioning is finished, the lines are in .bashrc
, and I can ssh to the box and use virtualenvwrapper.
However, virtualenvwrapper doesn't work during provisioning. After the section above, this next checks for a pip requirements file and tries to install with virtualenvwrapper:
if [[ -f /vagrant/requirements.txt ]]; then
mkvirtualenv 'myvirtualenv' -r /vagrant/requirements.txt
But that generates:
==> default: /tmp/vagrant-shell: line 50: mkvirtualenv: command not found
If I try and echo $WORKON_HOME
from that shell script, nothing appears.
What am I missing to have those environment variables available, so virtualenvwrapper will run?
UPDATE: Further attempts... it seems that doing source /home/vagrant/.bashrc
has no effect in my shell script - I can put echo "hello"
in the .bashrc
file , and that isn't output during provisioning (but is if I run source /home/vagrant/.bashrc
when logged in.
I've also tried su -c "source /home/vagrant/.bashrc" vagrant
in the shell script but that is no different.
UPDATE 2: Removed the $BASHRC_PATH
variable, which was confusing the issue.
UPDATE 3: In another question I got the answer as to why source /home/vagrant/.bashrc
wasn't working: the first part of the .bashrc
file prevented it from doing anything when run "not interactively" in that way.
The Vagrant script provisioner will run as root, so it's home dir (~) will be /root. In your script if you define BASHRC_PATH=/home/vagrant, then I believe your steps will work: appending to, then sourcing from /home/vagrant/.bashrc.
Scratching my earlier idea ^^ because BASHRC_PATH is already set correctly.
As an alternative we could use .profile or .bash_profile. Here's a simplified example which sets environment variable FOO, making it available during provisioning and after ssh login:
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "hashicorp/precise32"
$prov_script = <<SCRIPT
if ! grep -q "export FOO" /home/vagrant/.profile; then
sudo echo "export FOO=bar" >> /home/vagrant/.profile
echo "before source, FOO=$FOO"
source /home/vagrant/.profile
echo "after source, FOO=$FOO"
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $prov_script
$ vagrant up
==> default: Running provisioner: shell...
default: Running: inline script
==> default: before source, FOO=
==> default: after source, FOO=bar
$ vagrant ssh -c 'echo $FOO'
$ vagrant ssh -c 'tail -n 1 ~/.profile'
export FOO=bar