I'm having trouble solving the following exercise...
A factorial can be described in Prolog as:
factorial(0, 1).
factorial(N, F) :-
N1 is N - 1,
factorial(N1, F1),
F is N * F1.
I need to expand this code in order to return a list of all previous factorials until N
. But it returns only the first factorial (1), and then the error: ERROR: Out of local stack
. Here is my code:
insertList(H, L, [H|L]) :-
factorial(0, 1, [1]).
factorial(N, F, L) :-
N1 is N - 1,
factorial(N1, F1, L),
F is N * F1,
insertList(F, L, [F|L]).
list_factorial(X, L) :-
factorial(X, F, L).
What am I doing wrong?
the minimal correction, indicating the main problem
insertList(H, L, [H|L]):- !.
factorial(0, 1, [1]).
factorial(N, F, Fs):- N1 is N-1, factorial(N1, F1, L), F is N * F1, insertList(F, L, Fs).
list_factorial(X, L):- factorial(X, F, L).
but it will loop if you request backtracking after the first solution is returned. You could add the test @false suggested... otherwise, another definition could be
factorials(N, L) :-
N > 0 -> L = [F,G|Fs], M is N-1, factorials(M, [G|Fs]), F is G*N ; L = [1].