I was try download a file from the Alfresco to a local folder with DotCMIS, but the file always save blank, my code:
ISession session = startSession();
IObjectId id = session.CreateObjectId(fileId);
Dictionary<String, Object> properties = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
properties.Add(PropertyIds.Name, file);
properties.Add(PropertyIds.ObjectId, fileId);
properties.Add(PropertyIds.ObjectTypeId, "cmis:document,P:cm:titled");
IDocument docx = session.GetObject(fileId) as IDocument;
IContentStream content = docx.GetContentStream();
Stream stream = content.Stream;
string path = @"C:\Windows\Temp\" + docx.Name;
using (stream = File.Create(path)) {}
Thanks everyone
Worked that way:
BufferedStream document = (BufferedStream)content.Stream;
string path = @"C:\Windows\Temp\" + docx.Name;
using (FileStream stream = File.Create(path))
Thanks everyone