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How do I create a 1-D mat in OpenCV and initialize all the entries to zero?

The following piece of code does not seem to work. There is a similar question here How to fill Matrix with zeros in OpenCV? but, I want a 1-D mat, not a 2-D mat as mentioned in this link.

int histSize = 8;
Mat colorHist;

for (int i = 0; i < (histSize * histSize * histSize); i++)<float>(i) = 0.0;


  • You may try something like that:

    1 - First you create a float array which is your 1-D data structure:

    float arr[10] = {0}; // initialize it to all 0`s

    2 - Now create your opencv matrix as follows and fill the array into it:

    cv::Mat colorHist = cv::Mat(2, 4, CV_32F, arr);

    3 - if you want to access individual entries use something like:

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {<float>(0,i);

    where i is the index of the entry you want from 0 to 9.

    or just:<float>(0,2);

    if you need individually. here we get the entry with index 2 which will return 0 of course since the matrix is all zeros at that point.

    EDIT: As Nicholas suggested:

    cv::Mat colorHist = cv::Mat::zeros(1, 10, CV_32F); // size=10

    is a shorter way of creating a 1-D row matrix with all zeros if you do not want to deal with a float array (credits go to Nicholas). and access is of course:

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {<float>(i);

    Hope that helps!