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Android API level used to compile the project is not supported by the MobileFirst Platform Studio

I am building my MobileFirst 7.0 (MF Version Consumer Edition) Hybrid application through "app-builder" ant task. During the build process it is giving me below warning:

[app-builder] Apr 08, 2015 10:23:05 AM checkBuildTarget
[app-builder] WARNING: FWLST1119W: Android build will fail because the API level used to compile the project is not supported by the MobileFirst Platform Studio.
[app-builder] It is recommended to use Android API level 21 which is the latest API level supported by the IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio. Use the Android SDK Manager to install API level 21, configure your project to build with API level 21 by updating the Project Build Target in Project / Properties / Android dialog.
[app-builder] Apr 08, 2015 10:23:10 AM execute
[app-builder] SUCCESS: FWLST2001I: Successfully built environments: [common, ipad, android, iphone]

I have configured API my project to use API level 21, even then it is giving me the same warning. Is there any other place where I have to change the API level?

Following are the changes I made:

AndroidManifest.xml : <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" android:targetSdkVersion="21"/> : target=android-21

Project Build Target in Project / Properties / Android dialog : Target Name: 5.0.1, API Level : 21


  • Because the build is not actually failing and the end product is still functioning, I tend to believe this is a false positive and the warning can be ignored.

    It most likely is being generated erroneously.
    This will be investigated regardless.