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Style system tray with node-webkit application

I'm building a background windows application using node-webkit that has a system-tray menu. I'd like to be able to build a system tray menu that is more complex than a dropdown with checkboxes; something more akin to dropbox:

There is no mention of styling the system tray in nw.js's docs. How can I do this with nw.js?

If not nw.js, what other languages/frameworks would be a good fit to do something like this?


  • First Create a window. And on tray click have this window appear over there.

    var gui = require('nw.gui');
    var tray = new gui.Tray({
        title: '',
        icon: 'assets/css/images/menu_icon.png',
        alticon: 'assets/css/images/menu_alticon.png',
        iconsAreTemplates: false
    //Then need create hidden window and show it on click in tray:
    // create window
    var params = {toolbar: app.devMode, frame: false, transparent: true, resizable: false, show: false};
    window ='templates/panel.html', params);
    function showPopup (x, y) {
      window.on('document-end', function(){
        window.moveTo(x - (window.window.width / 2) - 6, y);;
    // show panel when click in tray
    tray.on('click', function (evt) {
      showPopup(evt.x, evt.y);

    Hope this works!

    Ref: Create window-like menu on OS X