I want to write an application that will check the availability of a list of lync 2013 users.So is there a way where i can make lync exchange this information with my application.
I want to communicate with a user who is online at a purticular instance of time.As the list will have hundreds of users it is difficult for me to manually check which user is online.Hence i want to develop an external application that does this for me.
You should be able to do that through UCMA by subscribing to Lync user presence. Refer to below sample code:
// Set Persistent view in class constructor
var persistentSettings = new RemotePresenceViewSettings();
persistentSettings.SubscriptionMode = RemotePresenceViewSubscriptionMode.Persistent;
this.PersistentPresenceView = new RemotePresenceView(this.AppEndpoint, persistentSettings);
// Listen to SubscriptionStateChanged and PresenceNotificationReceived events
this.PersistentPresenceView.SubscriptionStateChanged += this.RemotePresenceView_SubscriptionStateChanged;
this.PersistentPresenceView.PresenceNotificationReceived += this.RemotePresenceView_NotificationReceived;
// Call below public method to subscribe to user Lync Presence
public void SubscribeToPresences(List<string> emailAddressList)
var subscriptionTargets = new List<RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget>();
var subscribedPresentities = this.PersistentPresenceView.GetPresentities();
if (emailAddressList != null && emailAddressList.Count > 0)
foreach (var email in emailAddressList)
var target = new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget("sip:"+email);
if (!subscribedPresentities.Contains(presence.EmailAddress))
catch (ArgumentException argumentException)
// ToDO: Handle exception
catch (RealTimeException realTimeException)
// ToDO: Handle exception
// Subscription changed event
private void RemotePresenceView_SubscriptionStateChanged(object sender, RemoteSubscriptionStateChangedEventArgs e)
foreach (KeyValuePair<RealTimeAddress, RemotePresentityStateChange> stateChanged in e.SubscriptionStateChanges)
if (view != null)
Console.WriteLine("\nView: " + view.ApplicationContext
+ "; Subscription State for user: "
+ stateChanged.Key /* uri of subscription target */
+ " has changed from: " + stateChanged.Value.PreviousState
+ " to: " + stateChanged.Value.State + ".");
// Notification received event
private void RemotePresenceView_NotificationReceived(object sender, RemotePresentitiesNotificationEventArgs e)
foreach (RemotePresentityNotification notification in e.Notifications)
//// If a category on notification is null, the category
//// was not present in the notification. This means there were no
//// changes in that category.
if (notification.AggregatedPresenceState != null)
Console.WriteLine("Email Address: " + notification.PresentityUri.Split(':')[1]+ " Aggregate State = " + notification.AggregatedPresenceState.Availability + ".");