I have an app on the appstore currently that is built using Xcode 6 with a deployment target of iOS 7. The recent release Xcode 6.3, however only works on OSX 10.10
Can I submit updates to the app store by building on an earlier version of Xcode (6.2 in my case) because I am unable to update OSX to 10.10? Does Apple release documentation about this when it releases a new Xcode version? The only thing I found was this
which says that I should aim to build with the latest version of Xcode but does not mention if the app would be rejected/approved if built with a lower version.
The minimum Version of Xcode is 5.1.1 as stated in iTunesConnect when you want to upload a new binary of your app. This information does obviously include, that you can of course use Xcode 6.2 for AppStore submission.
Hope that helps :)