I have two table. One has a point SDO_GEOMETRY and the other has a circle SDO_GEOMETRY object. I want to check using SDO_JOIN, all the objects of table1 that are inside of table2. Can someone guide as to how to write this query?
My output is supposed to be as follows:
T1 -- T2
1 -- 2
2 -- 2
2 -- 1
which mean 1 is inside 2 and 2 is inside both 1 and 2
The following shows how to correlate counties (polygons) and cities (points) using SDO_JOIN
SELECT ci.city, ci.state_abrv, co.county
FROM us_cities ci,
us_counties co,
) j
WHERE j.rowid1 = ci.rowid
AND j.rowid2 = co.rowid
ORDER BY ci.city, ci.state_abrv;