I have two objects. Object A and Object B.
Object A is an instance of a class that was generated from several XSD files. Used xsd.exe /c and compiled them. Now I have my new object.
I also have a web service, returning something very similar to object A. So right now I have something along the lines of this:
WebService.foo myResponseObj = MyService.GetObject(inData);
MyFramework.foo myClientObj = new MyFramework.foo();
What I want to do is this
myClientObj = (MyFramework.foo)myResponseObj
However, it's not really liking this. Says "Cannot implicitly convert MyFramework.foo[] to WebService.foo[]
Any ideas on how to resolve this? The object is quite large and they are basically identical.
How about extracting the interface (right click on one class, select Refactor->Extract Interface), and apply this interface to both classes?
So it will look something like:
namespace WebService
public class foo : IExtractedInterface
namespace MyFramework
public class foo : IExtractedInterface
You should then be able to do:
IExtractedInterface myClientObj = (IExtractedInterface)myResponseObj;