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Real Silverlight Support on Windows Embedded Compact 7?

So Windows Embedded Compact 7 (another classic from the naming department) supports Silverlight for Windows Embedded. But this is a C++ only stripped down version of Silverlight 2 XAML.

Does anybody know if Windows Embedded Compact 7 will support real Silverlight? This seems to be out of step with Windows Phone (which I think is based on Windows CE 6) and the fact that Windows Embedded Compact 7 supports Flash 10.1.


  • Not in the first release, no, it will not support managed Silverlight (or, IMO, what the entire world considers to be "Silverlight").

    They may, at some point, move the work done by the Phone team to create a managed SL implementation, but they've made no announcements as to if or when that might ever occur.