I need to transform a square image in circle image with MiniMagick.
I know there is a way with ImageMagick
convert -size 300x300 xc:transparent -fill "image.png" -draw "circle 240,90 290,90" -crop 100x100+190+40 +repage circle1.png
I've tried to translate :
img.combine_options do |c|
c.draw "circle 240,90 290,90"
c.crop "100x100+190+40"
I get this stuff, a black circle with my big nose as background image :
if anyone know how to translate this properly... please !!
Just use Metal:
require 'mini_magick'
MiniMagick::Tool::Convert.new do |cvrt|
cvrt.size '300x300'
cvrt << 'xc:transparent'
cvrt.fill 'image.png'
cvrt.draw "circle 240,90 290,90"
cvrt.crop '100x100+190+40'
cvrt << 'circle.png'
I personally never try to remember all this domestic method names and always use the metal core approach.