Search code examples

NSOpenPanel as sheet

Ive looked around at other answers, but nothing seems to be helping my case.

I have a viewController class which contains an IBAction for a button. This button should open a NSOpenPanel as a sheet from that viewController:

class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBAction func folderSelection(sender: AnyObject) {
    var myFiledialog: NSOpenPanel = NSOpenPanel()
    myFiledialog.prompt = "Select path"
    myFiledialog.worksWhenModal = true
    myFiledialog.allowsMultipleSelection = false
    myFiledialog.canChooseDirectories = true
    myFiledialog.canChooseFiles = false
    myFiledialog.resolvesAliases = true


    myFiledialog.beginSheetModalForWindow(self.view.window!, completionHandler: nil)

    var chosenpath = myFiledialog.URL
    if (chosenpath!= nil)
        var TheFile = chosenpath!.absoluteString!
        //do something with TheFile
        println("nothing chosen")

The problem comes from myFileDialog.beginSheetModalForWindow(..) , it works with the line above, but that is not a sheet effect


  • You need to call beginSheetModalForWindow from your panel on your window, and use a completion block:

    let myFiledialog = NSOpenPanel()
    myFiledialog.prompt = "Select path"
    myFiledialog.worksWhenModal = true
    myFiledialog.allowsMultipleSelection = false
    myFiledialog.canChooseDirectories = true
    myFiledialog.canChooseFiles = false
    myFiledialog.resolvesAliases = true
    myFiledialog.beginSheetModalForWindow(window, completionHandler: { num in
        if num == NSModalResponseOK {
            let path = myFiledialog.URL
        } else {
            print("nothing chosen")