I would like to test an application that uses Kue so that job queue is empty before each test and cleared after each test. Queue should be fully functional and I need to be able to check status of jobs that are already in the queue.
I tried mock-kue and it worked well until I had to get jobs from the queue and analyze them. I couldn't get it to return jobs by job ID.
Situations that I need to be able to test:
Seams straightforward, but I have hard time wrapping my head around the problem. All pointers are welcome.
In my experience it's more straightforward to simply have redis running on localhost wherever you want to run your tests rather than dealing with a mocked version of kue.
First, to make sure kue is empty before each test it could be as simple as flushing redis, eg:
var kue = require('kue');
var queue = kue.createQueue();
queue.client.flushdb(function(err) {});
For #1, kue has a rangeByType() method that should solve your problem:
var getJobs = function(type, state, cb) {
kue.Job.rangeByType(type, state, 0, -1, 'asc', cb);
// After something happens
getJobs('myJobType', 'active', function(err, jobs) {});
For #2, you can use the same method and simply keep track of the job id to know that it has been replaced:
var jobId;
getJobs('myJobType', 'active', function(err, jobs) {
assert.lengthOf(jobs, 1);
jobId = jobs[0].id;
// After the thing happens
getJobs('myJobType', 'active' function(err, jobs) {
assert.lengthOf(jobs, 1);
assert.notEqual(jobId, jobs[0].id);
And if you ever need to query a job by ID you can do it like so:
kue.Job.get(jobId, function(err, job) {});