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Execute a SQL Server stored procedure from MS Access

I use MS Access 2013 and SQL Server 2012. I have connected my SQL Server database to MS Access. I connect to SQL Server via SQL Server Authentication. I want to execute a stored procedure with a value entered into a textbox in one of my forms. I have been trying to do it for ages now but nothing that I found on this website works for me. Can anyone please help me and give me some tips as to how to write a basic VBA code to execute the procedure? Please help!!!


  • Probably the most straightforward way is to create a temporary pass-through query using a DAO.QueryDef object. If you have an existing linked table in Access then you can use its .Connect property (ODBC connection information). All you need to do is set the .SQL property of the QueryDef to call (EXEC) the stored procedure, like this:

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Command2_Click()
        Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef
        Set cdb = CurrentDb
        Set qdf = cdb.CreateQueryDef("")
        ' get .Connect property from existing ODBC linked table
        qdf.Connect = cdb.TableDefs("dbo_myContacts").Connect
        qdf.sql = "EXEC dbo.addContact N'" & Replace(Me.Text0.Value, "'", "''") & "'"
        qdf.ReturnsRecords = False
        qdf.Execute dbFailOnError
        Set qdf = Nothing
        Set cdb = Nothing
    End Sub

    So, for example, if the Text0 text box contains Thompson then the QueryDef will execute

    EXEC dbo.addContact N'Thompson'

    and if the text box contains O'Rourke then the QueryDef will execute

    EXEC dbo.addContact N'O''Rourke'