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CKQuery from private zone returns only first 100 CKRecords from in CloudKit

Is there any limit to the result of a query to Cloudkit private default zone? I have no clue why I only receive first 100 records with the following query:

let p = NSPredicate(format: "(type == 'entered') AND (timestamp >= %@) AND (timestamp <= %@)", from, to)
let q = CKQuery(recordType: self.beaconRecordType, predicate: p)
q.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "timestamp", ascending: true)]
self.privateDatabase?.performQuery(q, inZoneWithID: nil, completionHandler: { results, error in

    //count = 100


Okay. As Edwin mention in the answer, the solution is to use CKQueryOperation to fetch the initial block of data then use the "cursor" in completionBlock to fire another operation. Here is an example:


func fetchBeacons(from:NSDate, to:NSDate) {

    let p = NSPredicate(value: true)
    let q = CKQuery(recordType: self.beaconRecordType, predicate: p)

    let queryOperation = CKQueryOperation(query: q)

    queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock = fetchedARecord

    queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock = { [weak self] (cursor : CKQueryCursor!, error : NSError!) in

        if cursor != nil {
            println("there is more data to fetch")
            let newOperation = CKQueryOperation(cursor: cursor)
            newOperation.recordFetchedBlock = self!.fetchedARecord
            newOperation.queryCompletionBlock = queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock



var i = 0
func fetchedARecord (record: CKRecord!) {
    println("\(NSDate().timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate*1000) \(++i)")


  • 100 is the default limit for standard queries. That amount is not fixed. It can vary depending on the total iCloud load. If you want to influence that amount, then you need to use CKQueryOperation and set the resultsLimit like this: operation.resultsLimit = CKQueryOperationMaximumResults; That CKQueryOperationMaximumResults is the default and will limit it to 100 (most of the time). Don't set that value too high. If you want more records, then use the cursor of the queryCompletionBlock to continue reading more records.