I would like to use a function in my code that would justify the string. I'm stuck please look at my code. Thanks in advance.
def justify(s, pos): #(<string>, <[l]/[c]/[r]>)
if len(s)<=70:
if pos == l:
print 30*' ' + s
elif pos == c:
print ((70 - len(s))/2)*' ' + s
elif pos == r:
print (40 - len(s)*' ' + s
print('You entered invalid argument-(use either r, c or l)')
print("The entered string is more than 70 character long. Couldn't be justified.")
you missed a bracket at second elif. corrected code below -
def justify(s, pos):
if len(s)<=70:
if pos == l:
print 30*' ' + s
elif pos == c:
print ((70 - len(s))/2)*' ' + s
elif pos == r:
#you missed it here...
print (40 - len(s))*' ' + s
print('You entered invalid argument-(use either r, c or l)')
print("The entered string is more than 70 character long. Couldn't be justified.")