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How to run laravel 5 on port 80 of localhost?

For previous versions of Laravel, you can simply download laravel with composer in the root folder of your apache server and type in http://localhost/public/ to see the "You've arrived" homepage.

I know I can use php artisan serve to view the Laravel5 default home page, but it is run on localhost:8000 and I heard that php artisan serve command should not be used in production due to the limit of connection and the bad performance. Is there a way I can see the default home page without using the php artisan serve command?

And it is really frustrating that Laravel is not including such simple thing in their installation documentation....


  • To run the service on another port you need to pass the port parameter with port numberusing this code on the cmd:

    php artisan serve --port=80

    To run on port 80, you might need administrator permission.