A commit in the guide repository removed the TodoMVC getting started guide from the documentation. Since there is currently no replacement for this really useful material, I am a bit lost.
Has the guide been removed because it was obsolete or can I still rely on it (doc of version 1.10 still has it) to start my Ember applications?
PS: for those who looks for an updated version of the TodoMVC application, see here
I believe it was removed because it was built using Ember App Kit, which has since been deprecated. For developers that are new to Ember, it'd be a very poor starting point because it is no longer recommended to build apps that way. ember-cli
is recommended for starting new Ember Applications.
Looking at the JSBin that is linked from that commit, you can see how old it is in the console:
DEBUG: -------------------------------
DEBUG: Ember.VERSION : 1.0.0-rc.8
DEBUG: Handlebars.VERSION : 1.0.0
DEBUG: jQuery.VERSION : 1.9.1
DEBUG: -------------------------------
Ember 1.0.0-rc.8 was released Aug 28, 2013. Ancient..!
Check out this video walkthrough by @RyanLaBouve that shows how to build TodoMVC using ember-cli
. Much of the code can still be used from the original, but this shows how to utilize it using ember-cli