What I need to achieve is to send a list of unknown QTY of values to a Sql server NOT IN clause but can only achieve this with singular values. below is my Sql statement:
SELECT SorMaster.LastInvoice
, SorMaster.SalesOrder
, SorMaster.OrderStatus
, ArCustomer.RouteCode
, SorMaster.Customer
, SorMaster.CustomerName
, SorMaster.CustomerPoNumber
, SorMaster.OrderDate
, SorMaster.DateLastInvPrt
, ArInvoice.InvoiceBal1
, ArInvoice.TermsCode
FROM SorMaster AS SorMaster
INNER JOIN ArCustomer AS ArCustomer ON SorMaster.Customer = ArCustomer.Customer
INNER JOIN ArInvoice AS ArInvoice ON SorMaster.LastInvoice = ArInvoice.Invoice
WHERE (SorMaster.OrderStatus = '9')
AND (SorMaster.Branch LIKE 'J%')
AND (SorMaster.DocumentType = 'O')
AND (SorMaster.LastInvoice > @Last_Invoice)
AND (SorMaster.OrderDate > DATEADD(Month, - 4, GETDATE()))
AND (SorMaster.LastInvoice NOT IN (@ExclusionList))
ORDER BY SorMaster.LastInvoice
The @ExclusionList value is generated by this code as a string from a listbox:
Dim exclusion As String = ""
If MenuForm.ExclusionCB.Checked = True Then
For i = 0 To MenuForm.ExclusionLB.Items.Count - 2
exclusion = exclusion & MenuForm.ExclusionLB.Items(i) & ","
exclusion = exclusion & MenuForm.ExclusionLB.Items(MenuForm.ExclusionLB.Items.Count - 1)
exclusion = ""
End If
I have also tried sending the entire listbox as a collection.
Does anyone know how I can send more than one value (something like 1,2,3,4,5,6) and have sql understand that these is more than one? I won't have an issue with the SELECT statement changing, just as long as it returns the same information.
The reason I need this with the exception list, is our remote DB PK is on the Salesorder column and the local DB is on the LastInvoice column
Hope this makes sense. if you need more info, please let me know
You can send it as a string and use dynamic sql. Here's a simple example how to do that.
DECLARE @vals VARCHAR(50) = '1,2,3,4,5,6'
SET @sql = @sql + ' (' + @vals + ')'
-- @sql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE FIELD1 IN (1,2,3,4,5,6)'
EXEC (@sql)