I want to use uncss on a big css file of mine, but doing that breaks the dropdown of my bootstrap navigation.
Here is the working part: http://metalotechnika.com
And here is the part, where I used the uncss: http://metalotechnika.horyzon.de.
You will notice that the drop down menu is not working. It is usinig the twitter bootstrap navbar.
The part of my gulpfile looks like this:
gulp.task('uncss', function() {
return gulp.src('style.css')
html: ['uncss/uncss.html']
Even if I choose a URL here, it breaks. I temporarily disabled the cache and css compression on the production site, so that you can have a look at the vital difference in the style.css, which is the one, that is getting the "uncss".
How can I reduce my css using uncss? Why does it break and how can I fix this?
Adding the classes used by the menu to the ignore list will look like that:
gulp.task('uncss', function() {
return gulp.src('style.css')
html: ['uncss/uncss.html'],
ignore: [
From this thread: https://github.com/giakki/uncss/issues/64
You can add or remove classes in the list as you needed.