I'd like to take notes in the ipython notebook. Is there a way to make it work so you can write math like if it was for a textbook?
from sympy import init_session
expr = Integral(x,x)
Gives for a result
\int x\, dx = \frac{x^{2}}{2}
But I'd like to see in the notebook
It works fine if I write each part in separate cells, but the output is over several lines. I'm using Anaconda on Windows XP so it's just mathjax doing the rendering.
I'd like a function that does this and maybe even adds eqn numbering like Maple.
edit: I've just discovered HTML, this formats nicely in the notebook.
from IPython.display import HTML
expr = Integral(x,x)
s = latex(expr) + ' = ' + latex(expr.doit())
HTML('$(1)~~'+ s + '$' + '\n' + '$$(2)~~'+ s + '$$')
I guess now I need to know the best way to do automatic numbering
Perhaps this is what you are looking for:
In [15]: expr = Integral(x,x)
In [16]: Eq(expr, expr.doit())
⌠ x
⎮ x dx = ──
⌡ 2