I am using the R2Jags package.
I first obtain the model as follows:
jags.data = list("Y"=y, "N"=N, Y1=y[1], C=x1)
# The parameters that we are monitoring (must monitor at least 1)
jags.params=c("sd.q","sd.r","Y", "X1", "X2")
mod_ss = jags(jags.data, parameters.to.save=jags.params, model.file=model.loc, n.chains = 3,
n.burnin=5000, n.thin=1, n.iter=10000, DIC=TRUE)
But then when I use the following to get the posterior valeus of X1:
I get:
Error: object 'X1' not found
My question: how come and what can I do to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Problem solved:
It seems that in the new version of R2Jags the correct function to call is:
attach.jags(mod_ss, overwrite=TRUE)
[So attach.jags
instead of attach()