I would like to find a table to convert the old school western ascii emoticons :-) into their modern unicode equivalent โบ.
Do you know if there is one?
Not everyone agrees on what is what, but here is one such possible table mapping input ASCII-art emoticons to Unicode emoji. Both data elements are single quoted, so backslashes and single quotes are escaped.
'o/' => '๐',
'</3' => '๐',
'<3' => '๐',
'8-D' => '๐',
'8D' => '๐',
':-D' => '๐',
'=-3' => '๐',
'=-D' => '๐',
'=3' => '๐',
'=D' => '๐',
'B^D' => '๐',
'X-D' => '๐',
'XD' => '๐',
'x-D' => '๐',
'xD' => '๐',
':\')' => '๐',
':\'-)' => '๐',
':-))' => '๐',
'8)' => '๐',
':)' => '๐',
':-)' => '๐',
':3' => '๐',
':D' => '๐',
':]' => '๐',
':^)' => '๐',
':c)' => '๐',
':o)' => '๐',
':}' => '๐',
':ใฃ)' => '๐',
'=)' => '๐',
'=]' => '๐',
'0:)' => '๐',
'0:-)' => '๐',
'0:-3' => '๐',
'0:3' => '๐',
'0;^)' => '๐',
'O:-)' => '๐',
'3:)' => '๐',
'3:-)' => '๐',
'}:)' => '๐',
'}:-)' => '๐',
'*)' => '๐',
'*-)' => '๐',
':-,' => '๐',
';)' => '๐',
';-)' => '๐',
';-]' => '๐',
';D' => '๐',
';]' => '๐',
';^)' => '๐',
':-|' => '๐',
':|' => '๐',
':(' => '๐',
':-(' => '๐',
':-<' => '๐',
':-[' => '๐',
':-c' => '๐',
':<' => '๐',
':[' => '๐',
':c' => '๐',
':{' => '๐',
':ใฃC' => '๐',
'%)' => '๐',
'%-)' => '๐',
':-P' => '๐',
':-b' => '๐',
':-p' => '๐',
':-ร' => '๐',
':-รพ' => '๐',
':P' => '๐',
':b' => '๐',
':p' => '๐',
':ร' => '๐',
':รพ' => '๐',
';(' => '๐',
'=p' => '๐',
'X-P' => '๐',
'XP' => '๐',
'd:' => '๐',
'x-p' => '๐',
'xp' => '๐',
':-||' => '๐ ',
':@' => '๐ ',
':-.' => '๐ก',
':-/' => '๐ก',
':/' => '๐ก',
':L' => '๐ก',
':S' => '๐ก',
':\\' => '๐ก',
'=/' => '๐ก',
'=L' => '๐ก',
'=\\' => '๐ก',
':\'(' => '๐ข',
':\'-(' => '๐ข',
'^5' => '๐ค',
'^<_<' => '๐ค',
'o/\\o' => '๐ค',
'|-O' => '๐ซ',
'|;-)' => '๐ซ',
':###..' => '๐ฐ',
':-###..' => '๐ฐ',
'D-\':' => '๐ฑ',
'D8' => '๐ฑ',
'D:' => '๐ฑ',
'D:<' => '๐ฑ',
'D;' => '๐ฑ',
'D=' => '๐ฑ',
'DX' => '๐ฑ',
'v.v' => '๐ฑ',
'8-0' => '๐ฒ',
':-O' => '๐ฒ',
':-o' => '๐ฒ',
':O' => '๐ฒ',
':o' => '๐ฒ',
'O-O' => '๐ฒ',
'O_O' => '๐ฒ',
'O_o' => '๐ฒ',
'o-o' => '๐ฒ',
'o_O' => '๐ฒ',
'o_o' => '๐ฒ',
':$' => '๐ณ',
'#-)' => '๐ต',
':#' => '๐ถ',
':&' => '๐ถ',
':-#' => '๐ถ',
':-&' => '๐ถ',
':-X' => '๐ถ',
':X' => '๐ถ',
':-J' => '๐ผ',
':*' => '๐ฝ',
':^*' => '๐ฝ',
'เฒ _เฒ ' => '๐
'*\\0/*' => '๐',
'\\o/' => '๐',
':>' => '๐',
'>.<' => '๐ก',
'>:(' => '๐ ',
'>:)' => '๐',
'>:-)' => '๐',
'>:/' => '๐ก',
'>:O' => '๐ฒ',
'>:P' => '๐',
'>:[' => '๐',
'>:\\' => '๐ก',
'>;)' => '๐',
'>_>^' => '๐ค',