I hope someone can help me; I am building some spreadsheets to help with time-tracking. I have a list of tasks, with columns for criteria including date, hours spent, category of work, and client.
I want to filter this data by month, so for example I would like to know how long I spent in a single month on correspondence. This means I need to select all the rows where category = 'correspondence' and where the dates are all from one specified month. At the moment, I am having to use a query which outputs to an intermediary table, and then run a filter function on that table in order to output to my final table. Here are my two functions:
=QUERY( 'Task List'!A4:F , "select A, B, E, F where C = 'Correspondence'" )
that gives me the first table, with just the rows where the category is "Correspondence". Then, on that table, I have to run the next function:
To get only the rows from this month of April. If possible I would like to remove the intermediary table (which serves no other purpose and just clutters my sheet).
Is it possible to combine these statements and do the process in one step?
That is indeed possible.
Since you didn't specify in which column the dates are to be found (in the 'raw' data), I assumed for this example that dates are in col F. The easiest way would be to use the MONTH() function. However, when used in query(), this function considers January as month 0. That's why I added the +1. See if this works ?
=QUERY( 'Task List'!A4:F , "select A, B, E, F where C = 'Correspondence' and month(F)+1 =4 ")