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sort columns of a data frame

Possible duplicate: How to sort a dataframe by column(s)?

I have a data frame in different orders (in terms of columns).

       ID_REF      VALUE       ABS_CALL           DETECTION.P.VALUE
1    10071_s_at 3473.60000        P/present       0.000219000
2       1053_at  643.20000        P/present       0.000673000
3        117_at  564.00000        M/Marginal      0.000322000
4     1255_g_at    9.40000        A/absent        0.602006000
5       1294_at  845.60000        P/present       0.000468000
6       1320_at   94.30000        A/absent        0.204022000

Now below the order of columns is changed

1  3473.6   10071_s_at  P/present          0.000219
2  643.2    1053_at     P/present          0.000673
3  564      117_at      M/marginal         0.000322
4  9.4      1255_g_at   A/absent           0.602006
5  845.6    1294_at     P/present          0.000468
6  94.3     1320_at     A/absent           0.204022

Again it is changed

1  0.000219             3473.6  10071_s_at  P
2  0.000673             643.2   1053_at     P
3  0.000322             564     117_at      M
4  0.602006             9.4     1255_g_at   A
5  0.000468             845.6   1294_at     P
6  0.204022             94.3    1320_at     A

Here I have the same data frame in different column orders. I don't know the order of the data frame, so I want to put the data in the below format:

      ID_REF      VALUE       ABS_CALL           DETECTION.P.VALUE
1    10071_s_at 3473.60000        P/present       0.000219000
2       1053_at  643.20000        P/present       0.000673000
3        117_at  564.00000        M/Marginal      0.000322000
4     1255_g_at    9.40000        A/absent        0.602006000
5       1294_at  845.60000        P/present       0.000468000
6       1320_at   94.30000        A/absent        0.204022000

Here i need to check if there is a substring of _at in any column then put that as the first column. If any column has values greater than 1 then put that column as the second column of data frame. If any column has levels P,A,M or present ,absent ,marginal then put that as the third column and finally any column with values less than 1 will be the last. Can anybody please tell me how to do this in R efficiently?

Note: Column names are not permanent, those can be anything (different names).


  • This isn't elegant by any means, but you could write a function that looks at only a single row and search for each of your criteria:

    dat1 <- read.table(header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE,
    text="ID_REF      VALUE       ABS_CALL           DETECTION.P.VALUE
    1    10071_s_at 3473.60000        P/present       0.000219000
    2       1053_at  643.20000        P/present       0.000673000
    3        117_at  564.00000        M/Marginal      0.000322000
    4     1255_g_at    9.40000        A/absent        0.602006000
    5       1294_at  845.60000        P/present       0.000468000
    6       1320_at   94.30000        A/absent        0.204022000")
    dat2 <- read.table(header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE,
    text="VALUE      ID_REF     ABS_CALL           'DETECTION P-VALUE'
    1  3473.6   10071_s_at  P/present          0.000219
    2  643.2    1053_at     P/present          0.000673
    3  564      117_at      M/marginal         0.000322
    4  9.4      1255_g_at   A/absent           0.602006
    5  845.6    1294_at     P/present          0.000468
    6  94.3     1320_at     A/absent           0.204022")
    dat3 <- read.table(header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE,
    1  0.000219             3473.6  10071_s_at  P
    2  0.000673             643.2   1053_at     P
    3  0.000322             564     117_at      M
    4  0.602006             9.4     1255_g_at   A
    5  0.000468             845.6   1294_at     P
    6  0.204022             94.3    1320_at     A")
    f <- function(data) {
      d1 <- data[1, , drop = FALSE]
      ## from row 1, separate out numerics, p-value is < 1
      ## and the other we assume is value
      nums <- d1[, nn <- sapply(d1, is.numeric)]
      p <- names(nums[, nums < 1, drop = FALSE])
      val <- setdiff(names(nums), p)
      ## take all the other columns, find `_at$` as id
      ## and assume the other column is `abs_call`
      ch <- d1[, !nn, drop = FALSE]
      id <- names(ch[, grepl('_at$', as.character(unlist(ch))), drop = FALSE])
      abs <- setdiff(names(ch), id)
      ## order by the name found
      data[, c(id, val, abs, p)]
    lapply(list(dat1, dat2, dat2), f)
    # [[1]]
    # 1 10071_s_at 3473.6  P/present          0.000219
    # 2    1053_at  643.2  P/present          0.000673
    # 3     117_at  564.0 M/Marginal          0.000322
    # 4  1255_g_at    9.4   A/absent          0.602006
    # 5    1294_at  845.6  P/present          0.000468
    # 6    1320_at   94.3   A/absent          0.204022
    # [[2]]
    # 1 10071_s_at 3473.6  P/present          0.000219
    # 2    1053_at  643.2  P/present          0.000673
    # 3     117_at  564.0 M/marginal          0.000322
    # 4  1255_g_at    9.4   A/absent          0.602006
    # 5    1294_at  845.6  P/present          0.000468
    # 6    1320_at   94.3   A/absent          0.204022
    # [[3]]
    # 1 10071_s_at 3473.6  P/present          0.000219
    # 2    1053_at  643.2  P/present          0.000673
    # 3     117_at  564.0 M/marginal          0.000322
    # 4  1255_g_at    9.4   A/absent          0.602006
    # 5    1294_at  845.6  P/present          0.000468
    # 6    1320_at   94.3   A/absent          0.204022