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Initialize multiple instances of No UI Slider in meteor

How do I initialize mutliple instances of the No UI Slider in Meteor? I'd like to have multiple sliders on a page.

I've been trying with...


 <input type="checkbox" checked="{{checked}}" class="toggle-checked" />

 <span class="example-val" name="body" id="range{{this._id}}"></span>


Template.task.rendered = function() {
      start: 5,
      connect: "lower",
      step: 0,
      format: wNumb({
        decimals: 0,
      range: {
        'min': 0,
        'max': 10

Calling this._id isn't going to do anything... Somehow it needs to run through all post IDs until there's a match, like doing Tasks.findOne(); and comparing to whats in the DOM.

If there is a better way of doing this... please let me know!


I updated my code to this, following the structure of other instances where plugins are intialized multiple times on the same page like this, making use of $this and .each


<div class="slider"></div>
<span class="example-val range" name="body"></span>


  Template.task.rendered = function() {
    $('.slider').each(function() {
      var $this = $(this);
        start: 5,
        connect: "lower",
        step: 0,
        format: wNumb({
          decimals: 0,
        range: {
          'min': 0,
          'max': 10

In the console, this gives me the error, "Error: Slider was already initialized."


  • I needed to put 'this' in the right place...

      Template.task.rendered = function () {
          start: 5,
          connect: "lower",
          step: 0,
          format: wNumb({
            decimals: 0,
          range: {
            'min': 0,
            'max': 10

    Taking a look at RateIt a plugin with a similar usage helped me to figure it out.