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Install generator won't see a method I defined

I'm trying to use my Engine in another app to test the install generator and it seems to be failing. I haven't used my install generator for a long time, so I'm not sure when it broke (or if it ever truly smoothly worked). My project is based off radar/forem, so I tried to borrow a lot of their code (including the generator).

Edit: My installer works for the engines test/dummy but not in other apps. Why?

GH issue:

Here is the log:

$ rails g mongoid_forums:install
What is your user class called? [User] 
What is the current_user helper called in your app? [current_user] 
Defining mongoid_forums_user method inside ApplicationController...
      insert  app/controllers/application_controller.rb
Adding mongoid_forums initializer (config/initializers/mongoid_forums.rb)...
      create  config/initializers/mongoid_forums.rb
(erb):5:in `template': undefined method `per_page' for MongoidForums:Module (NoMethodError)
The route is successfully added, however the initializer/mongoid_forums.rb is a blank file. The method is defined exactly how radar/forem does it, what could be the error?

Here is the relevant code:

Per page method definition:

Mattr accessor:

Initializer template:

Install generator at error point:


  • Turns out when you try requiring mongoid_forums in pry, you'll see that an error involving decorators occurs. The issue is fixed here in my pull request to decorators: parndt/decorators#13

    It's because of the way files are required and how load! is called over there.

    Waiting on PR status, that is the same version that radar/forem uses as well.