I have tried so many ways to get my database to update my added rows but with no luck. This is what I have:
what I need to do is populate dgv1 with localDB table, then look at the last invoice number in the table for the starting point in the remoteDB to populate dgv2. using the data added in both datatables, I then merge them into the localDB dataset and calling me.MasterInvoiceTableAdapter.Update(me.MasterInvoiceDataSet.MasterInvoices)
should save the added rows to the database...
then I populate the datatables again. It looks all fine in the dgv's but exiting the form and loading again reveals no actual update was done. The return code on the update method also returns 0 validating that no lines were affected. code found below:
If stats2 = False Then
End If
Dim rowcount As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
Dim lookup As String = Trim(DataGridView1.Item(0, rowcount - 1).Value)
Me.SorMasterTableAdapter.Fill(Me.InvoicesFDataSet.SorMaster, lookup)
MasterInvoicesDataSet.MasterInvoices.Merge(InvoicesFDataSet.SorMaster, True)
Catch ex As Exception
TextBox1.Text = ex.Message
End Try
stats = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
fyi. the stats
variable is use to control a refresh button behaviour.
I've tried looping through the dataset and adding the datarows, one-by-one (newrow with row.add, importrow, item.add), I've tried working with a linkedDB query to do all of it at once (with this I found that the collation was not the same on the DB's), and a few other methods not even worthy of mentioning.
Any advise?
I fixed my problem by doing some research on the merge method and found that the rowstate does not always change to Added
on extra rows, this was fixed by adding For Each drow As DataRow In InvoicesFDataSet.SorMaster
before merging the tables.
Hope this helps anyone that has been searching for an answer to an issue similar to this.