I'm using Google APIs to retrieve data from Google Analytics with a Custom Dimension. This works well; however, I also have the need to get the data that does NOT have the custom dimension set...
The way's I've seen the Custom Dimension thus far is only to show records where that dimension is set. That makes sense with the domain vocabulary; however, my case and I'm sure others will need access the other slice of the pie.
Is there any way to get a report that includes data with and without the custom dimension being set?
If not is there a way to get a report that contains data that does NOT have the dimension set?
Thanks in advance!
One way would be to report on both cases and then programmatically figure out the exclusion set.
Another (possibly simpler) way would be to always set the custom dimension to a value. The API uses the value (not set)
in many dimensions for exactly this purpose. You could instantiate your tracker objects with the custom dimension initially set to (not set)
and then reassign when you have a real value. That way all hits would have some value set.