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OPOS Printing using ASP.NET

I have developed a Restaurant Billing Web App (Not Desktop application as the requirement was a web-app to be run in browser) Using ASP.NET Web Forms C# 4.0. Now the new Requirement is POS thermal Printer receipt printing. I am very new to POS, but somehow I managed to build and run a Sample Windows Form Application to print on POSIFLEX PP6800 Thermal Receipt Printer using c#.

The Problem is that I am unable to print using the same Code on the Localhost website. I am using OPOS CCO, OposForDotNetAssemblies-1_13_000.

My Questions are:

  1. Is it possible to print on OPOS on LocalHost ?
  2. Is it possible to Print on OPOS over Internet Website ?
  3. If Yes then what should I do? What am I doing wrong?

The Code I am Using is:

using POS.Devices;
private OPOSPOSPrinter Printer = null;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Printer = new OPOSPOSPrinterClass();

    // Open the printer.
    Printer.AsyncMode = true;
    Printer.DeviceEnabled = true;
    Printer.PrintNormal(2, "\x1B|cA\x1B|2CHeading\x1B|1C\n"+DateTime.Now.ToString("D")+"\n\n" );

Interestingly there is no Error, but I hear Beeps till the timeout and then printer prints some dots and characters in one line and nothing else. Which is not happening in the windows form. Thanks in advance.


  • i recently developed a POS Web Application which uses thermal printer to print Receipts , it uses a local printer

    you simply use javascript to capture the container or .....your content

    and simply call it using window.print() nto print your receipt it works for me