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In JMP 11, how do you tabulate how many rows are selected, excluded, and hidden?

I have data where some are either (A)Hidden and Excluded or (B) Labeled or (C) Both.

Is there a way that I can generate a table which summarizes how many rows belong to Groups A, B, & C?


  • I don't know of an easy way to do this interactively but if you are comfortable running some JSL script, this seems to work:

    hiddenAndExcluded = 0;
    labeled = 0;
    both = 0;
    states = Current Data Table() << Get Row States();
    For( ii = 1, ii <= N Rows( states ), ii++,
        rs = As Row State( states[ii] ); 
        if (Excluded(rs) & Hidden(rs), hiddenAndExcluded++);
        if (Labeled(rs), labeled++);
        if (Excluded(rs) & Hidden(rs) & Labeled(rs), both++);