Im trying to search soundcloud for a track related to an artists name. It works perfectly if i just type an artist name in the q search parameter, however i want it to use an item ['artist'] variable. I think theres prbably a simple programming error which is causing the 'bad request' error. Here is the relevant code. Thanks guys!!
def parse_me(self, response):
for info in response.xpath('//div[@class="entry vevent"]'):
item = TutorialItem() # Extract items from the items folder.
item ['artist'] = info.xpath('.//span[@class="summary"]//text()').extract() # Extract artist information.
#item ['genre'] = info.xpath('.//div[@class="header"]//text()').extract()
yield item # Retreive items in item
client = soundcloud.Client(client_id='xxxx', client_secret='xxxx', callback='http://localhost:9000/#/callback.html')
tracks = client.get('/tracks', q=item['artist'], limit=1)
for track in tracks:
item ['trackz'] =
yield item
returns a list. Your q
parameter probably requires a string.