Google's Deep Q Network for Atari Games is here.
When I run it with GPU setting
./run_gpu <game name>
I had this error
../torch/bin/luajit: ./convnet.lua:22: attempt to call local 'convLayer' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
./convnet.lua:22: in function 'network'
./NeuralQLearner.lua:89: in function '__init'
...einforcement_Learning/torch/share/lua/5.1/torch/init.lua:51: in function <...einforcement_Learning/torch/share/lua/5.1/torch/init.lua:47>
[C]: at 0x7f419423d380
./initenv.lua:133: in function 'setup'
train_agent.lua:52: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x00406230
The code that caused this issue is in this file
and it is in this function
function create_network(args)
local net = nn.Sequential()
--- first convolutional layer
local convLayer = nn.SpatialConvolution
if args.gpu >= 0 then
convLayer = nn.SpatialConvolutionCUDA
net:add(convLayer(args.hist_len*args.ncols, args.n_units[1],
args.filter_size[1], args.filter_size[1],
args.filter_stride[1], args.filter_stride[1],1))
The net:add(convLayer( is 22th line.
I used gpu setting so it seems
convLayer = nn.SpatialConvolutionCUDA
caused convLayer to be nil.
Does anyone know why nn.SpatialConvolutionCUDA returns a nil ?
Did the code originally come with GPU support, or did you add it yourself?
You should replaced the depreceated layers, i.e. replace:
convLayer = nn.SpatialConvolutionCUDA
convLayer = nn.SpatialConvolution
Check the documentation for the layers.
Edit: Use this branch, I fixed it for GPU support.