I'm building a picture viewing app. In landscape, it opens like an open book showing 2 consecutive images. In portrait, it shows an individual image. I'm thinking of using a UserControl for each of these 2 ViewState inside the DataTemplate of my FlipView. And then change their Visibility in the Current_SizeChanged event.
Here's my Xaml with only one UserControl set to the DataTemplate:
<FlipView x:Name="flipView1" SelectionChanged="flipView1_SelectionChanged">
But a DataTemplate can't contain more than one UserControl. Is there a way I can bind a local UserControl to my DataTemplate to assign to it my "portraitControl" or "landscapeControl" in the code not in Xaml?
What you need to do is to create two data templates, each has a user control:
<DataTemplate x:key = "portraitTemplate">
<DataTemplate x:key = "landscapeTemplate">
in your Current_SizeChanged event switch between templates:
flipView1.ItemTemplate = Resources["portraitTemplate"] as DataTemplate;