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Role Manager using SPEAK

I am trying to develop a role manager app in SPEAK where users can view the list of available roles and add/modify roles. I know that we can get the list of current roles by using the API like this , Sitecore.Security.Accounts.RolesInRolesManager.GetUsersInRole(Role.FromName("Content Authors"), true);

How do I achieve this in SPEAK ? As there is no controller where I get the model properties and return it to view, how do I get to bind this list to the list page in SPEAK ? Or is there a better way of doing this?


  • Have a look at my following example SPEAK examples.

    Here is a SPEAK list control with custom data binding. You can use this to display your data in the list you mention.

    As for exposing the data you require, EntityService allows you to implement custom code and expose any data you wish from your custom controller. There is a JavaScript API allowing you to access the JSON data directly in your SPEAK PageCode.

    I have also created some videos on this subject.

    SPEAK List Control and Databinding: Entity Service: