I am asked to make a recursive addition of a passes value for example if the value passes is 1024 i should get the answer 7
I am using this code
function recursiveAdd($arg)
$ans = floor($arg);
if ($arg<=1) return $ans;
if (($arg/10)>0) return $ans + floor(recursiveAdd($arg/10));
//else return $arg % 10;
echo recursiveAdd(1024);
I think i am there, if i run it i get 1137 in this case the last number is what i need.
Can you please check it as i think i am not seeing the wrong recursion!
This one does what is requested and is a bit simplified:
function recursiveAdd($arg)
if ($arg>9) {
return $arg%10 + recursiveAdd(floor($arg/10));
} else {
return $arg;
echo recursiveAdd(1024);
However you don't have to use recursion, things are faster and less resource hungry without:
function sequentialAdd($arg)
$sum = 0;
$string = (string) $arg;
foreach (str_split($string) as $digit) {
$sum += $digit;
return $sum;
echo sequentialAdd(1024);