I read that with frama-c, we can generate a PDG which free tools can I use to generate the program dependence graph for c codes My question is: there is a way for it to generate a SDG (It is a set of PDG, it aims to modelize interprocedural dependences)?. Anybody could help me or could give me tips about which tools could generate the SDG. Thank you
I'm not completely sure that it answers your question, but Frama-C's PDG plugin does have inter-procedural information, in the form of nodes for parameters and implicit inputs (globals that are read by the callee), as well as for the returned value and output locations (globals that are written). It uses results of the From plug-in to compute dependencies.
If I understand correctly PDG's API in Db.Pdg
, you should be able to obtain all nodes corresponding to a given call with the Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes