I make a simple domain class
class Meetings {
Date when
String where
Then I run 'generate-all' on Meetings. I then start the app 'RunApp'. In the app I'm able to to choose the month, day, and year for the when variable, however I can't choose the time as in hours:minutes (example 7:30). I wouldn't expect to be able to do this, but if I save the date it formats it as month, day, year, and then -00:00:00. How do I set the time using the date variable? or is there another way?
If you are using the datepicker tag in grails, it is pretty straight forward.
In the views folder under a domain class folder there is _form.gsp
. Inside _form.gsp
is a date picker tag.
<g:datePicker name="dateTimeVariableName" value="${dateTimeValue}"
default="${new Date().clearTime()}" precision="minute"/>
The keyword here is precision.
You should check the documentation. Its always a good idea. Hope this helps.