The question is pretty self explanatory. I want to turn something like [true, true, false, true]
into the following bitstring 1101.
I assume I need to use Array.pack, but I can't figure out exactly how to do this.
It really depends on how exactly you want to represent the boolean Array.
For [true, true, false, true]
, should it be 0b1101
or 0b11010000
? I assume it's the former, and you may get it like this:
data = [true, true, false, true]
out = data
.each_slice(8) # group the data into segments of 8 bits, i.e., a byte
.map {|slice|
.map{|i| if i then 1 else 0 end } # convert to 1/0
.join.to_i(2) # get the byte representation
p out #=> "\r"
PS. There may be further endian problem depending on your requirements.