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Multiple Submit buttons in cakephp form

I have a form in a cakephp view which saves well with a single button, here is the code in the view book_form.ctp

echo $this->Form->create
        'url' => array
            'controller' => 'Books',
            'action'     => 'save_record'
        'class'         => 'span12 the_ajaxform',
        'inputDefaults' => array
            'label' => false,
            'error' => false
// form fields
$options =array(
    'label' => __('Save'),
    'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
echo $this->Form->end($options);

This works perfect! Now i wanted to add two buttons on that form and this is what i did

$options =array(array(
        'label' => __('Save & Close'),
        'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
        'label' => __('Save & Create New'),
        'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
        'label' => __('Cancel'),
        'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
    echo $this->Form->end($options);

But this only brings one button which wont even submit the form,where am i going wrong? and can each button call a different method in the controller? Thanks in advance


  • I am not sure whether it is "Technically Correct", HTML4, 5 compatible or not etc. but I have always done it something like this, without any problem so far:

    <?php echo $this->Form->submit('Delete it', array('name'=>'User[formaction]')); ?>
    <?php echo $this->Form->submit('Undelete Selected', array('name'=>'User[formaction]')); ?>
    <?php echo $this->Form->submit('Purge Selected', array('name'=>'User[formaction]')); ?>

    where "User" is the model name.