I have data that looks something like this:
foo <- data.frame(userid = c("a","a","b","b","b"),
activity = factor(c("x","y","z","z","x")),
st=c(0, 20, 0, 10, 25), # start time
et=c(20, 30, 10, 25, 30)) # end time
and I want, for each userid, to convert the activity data into five minute time bins. The result would look something like this:
result <- data.frame(userid = c("a", "b"),
x1 = c("x", "z"),
x2 = c("x", "z"),
x3 = c("x", "z"),
x4 = c("x", "z"),
x5 = c("y", "z"),
x6 = c("y", "x"))
The following approach works, but it is quite cumbersome and very slow. This takes about 15 minutes on my modest-sized dataset.
lvls <- levels(foo$activity)
time_bin <- function(st, et, act) {
bins <- seq(0, 30, by=5)
tb <- as.integer(bins>=st & bins<et)*as.integer(act)
tb[tb>0] <- lvls[tb]
data.frame(tb=tb, bins=bins)
new_foo <-
foo %>%
rowwise() %>%
do(data.frame(., time_bin(.$st, .$et, .$activity))) %>%
select(-(activity:et)) %>%
group_by(userid) %>%
subset(tb>0) %>%
spread(bins, tb)
Is there a faster or more convenient way of going about this?
You can try:
dt = setDT(foo)[,seq(min(st)+5,max(et),5),.(userid,activity)]
dcast(dt, userid~V1, value.var='activity')
# userid 5 10 15 20 25 30
#1 a x x x x y y
#2 b z z z z z x