I have the code which works, but without eager loading nested relationships.
$projects = Project::with('organization')
->leftJoin('stages', 'stages.project_id', '=', 'projects.id')
->leftJoin('activities', 'activities.stage_id', '=', 'stages.id')
->leftJoin('tasks', 'tasks.activity_id', '=', 'activities.id')
->select('projects.*', DB::raw('SUM(IF(tasks.status = 4, score, 0)) AS score'),
DB::raw('SUM(tasks.score) AS total_score'))
I want to do this with eager loading nested relationships, and if I wouldn't have these custom selects (total_score and score), I would do
$projects = Project::with('stages.activities.tasks');
but the problem appears on those custom selects (score and total_score). I tried something like that, but didn't work
$projects = Project::with(['stages', 'activities', 'tasks' => function($q) {
$q->select( DB::raw('SUM(IF(tasks.status = 4, score, 0)) AS score'),
DB::raw('SUM(tasks.score) AS total_score'));
Something like that should work:
$projects = $project::with(array('stages' => function($q)
$q->with(array('activities' => function($q)
$q->with(array('tasks' => function($q)
DB::raw('SUM(IF(tasks.status = 4, score, 0)) AS score'),
DB::raw('SUM(tasks.score) AS total_score')
If you need more argument to your function function($q) use ($arg)