I run the below scripts and Eventlog is blank on HTM File but on powershell
$ServerListFile = "D:\Scripts\ServerList.txt"
$ServerList = Get-Content $ServerListFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Result = @()
ForEach($computername in $ServerList)
Get-Eventlog -LogName Security -Newest 2000 | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq "4624"} | Select-Object @{Name ="Username"; Expression = {$_.ReplacementStrings[1]}}
$result += [PSCustomObject] @{
ServerName = "$computername"
EventLog = "$Username"
$Outputreport = "<HTML><TITLE> Decommission Validation Report </TITLE>
<BODY background-color:peachpuff>
<font color =""#99000"" face=""Microsoft Tai le"">
<H2> Decommission Validation Report </H2></font>
<Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR bgcolor=gray align=center>
<TD><B>Server Name</B></TD>
Foreach($Entry in $Result)
if((($Entry.Servername) -or ($Entry.EventLog)) -ge 80 )
$Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=red>"
$Outputreport += "<TR>"
$Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.Servername)</TD></TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.Username)</TD></TR>"
$Outputreport += "</Table></BODY></HTML>"
$Outputreport | out-file D:\Scripts\Test.htm
Invoke-Expression D:\Scripts\Test.htm
I run the above scripts and Eventlog is blank on HTM File but on powershell
I incorporated the changes suggested by Dane Boulton and modified your code a bit to get what I believe is what you are looking for. I changed the Replacement strings entry to 5 because I believe you are looking for the user account logging in. I also modified the EventLog variable to reference $item.UserName. See how this works for you.
$ServerListFile = "D:\Scripts\ServerList.txt"
$ServerList = Get-Content $ServerListFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Result = @()
ForEach($computername in $ServerList)
$eventLog = Get-Eventlog -LogName Security -Newest 2000 | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq "4624"} | Select-Object @{Name ="Username"; Expression = {$_.ReplacementStrings[5]}}
foreach($item in $eventLog)
$result += [PSCustomObject] @{
ServerName = $computername
UserName = $item.Username
$Outputreport = "<HTML><TITLE> Decommission Validation Report </TITLE>
<BODY background-color:peachpuff>
<font color =""#99000"" face=""Microsoft Tai le"">
<H2> Decommission Validation Report </H2></font>
<Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TR bgcolor=gray align=center>
<TD><B>Server Name</B></TD>
Foreach($Entry in $Result)
if((($Entry.Servername) -or ($Entry.UserName)) -ge 80 )
$Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=red>"
$Outputreport += "<TR>"
$Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.Servername)</TD></TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.UserName)</TD></TR>"
$Outputreport += "</Table></BODY></HTML>"
$Outputreport | out-file D:\Scripts\Test.htm
Invoke-Expression D:\Scripts\Test.htm