I was looking for an implementation of a PID controller in Java and I found this one:
So, for what I could understand about it I am using it this way:
package lol.feedback;
public class dsfdsf {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
final PIDController pidController = new PIDController(1, 1, 1);
pidController.setInputRange(0, 200); // The input limits
pidController.setOutputRange(50, 100); // The output limits
pidController.setSetpoint(120); // My target value (PID should minimize the error between the input and this value)
double input = 0;
double output = 0;
while (true) {
input = output + 30;
output = pidController.performPID();
System.out.println("Input: " + input + " | Output: " + output + " | Error: " + pidController.getError());
But he never stabilizes. He doesn't behave like a PID at all... This is the output I get:
Input: 30.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 90.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Input: 80.0 | Output: 100.0 | Error: 40.0
Input: 130.0 | Output: 50.0 | Error: -10.0
Can someone help me tell me what I am missing?
Thank you!
Firstly, try with another set of PID parameters - for example final PIDController pidController = new PIDController(10, 1, 0.5); First parameter is responsible for gain of the closed-loop system. Second is responsible for eliminate fixed error on the output. Third is responsible for dynamic of control.
Second thing - it is possible that real signal output is always out of limit, so it takes minimum/maximum value.
Thirdly, why do you always add 30 to output and assign it to the input?