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All about WSDL vs MEX?

I am not able to open the meta data url http://localhost:8082/Tasks/mex, even though I've added the mexHttpBinding in the config file. Can I view this MEX endpoint in a browser?

The config files look like:

<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />


  • Is MEX is different from WSDL? If not, then why do we require a MEX endpoint over WSDL?
  • In the WSDL, I see the WSDL type information is missing. Is it by default? Can I look at the type information in WSDL?


  • Aakash, Did you add a service behavior with a <serviceMetadata> element? It can be empty, i.e. <serviceMetadata />, but it must be present. The service definition needs to reference the service behaviorConfiguration. Check out the following for examples:,guid,c9513d28-f580-4a33-b4e8-c15476799a9d.aspx